Service Dispatch Automation
Providing consistent superior service in today’s market is expected.

How Does it work?
It is no longer enough to say you offer superior customer service, you must deliver more while doing it at less cost. Looking for ways to automate the workflow of creating and managing calls is where you’ll pick up efficiencies. By using an escalation workflow you can better track service level objectives to meet the requirement of high level of service, by automatically opening up a ticket or better yet, have the faltering system open up its own ticket, gives you more efficiency and ultimately more margin.
- Web portals allow customers to open and review service calls on their time, reducing interruption time for your staff
- System created calls for routine or preventative maintenance or recurring inspection visits
- Email automation allows stakeholders to be kept in the loop without burdening customer service representatives
- Integration to managed services providers or equipment directly
- Intelligent dispatching lets you know what technicians are in the area and who has the skills to do the job
- Sub-contractor automation allows you to ensure your partners are compliant
Bottom Line