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job costing

Real time costing eliminates your time gap

Real-Time Costing Eliminates Your Time Gap

There’s a vast echoing gap between the mindset of accounting and project management in most businesses. It has a lot to do with time: The PMO works with a today-and-tomorrow mindset – getting the project done, on time, to specs. … Read More

Project Under-Billing Can Be Your Undoing

Accurate and real-time data is critical to proper cash flow management, and under-billing long-term projects is a leading cause of cash crunches Never fund customer projects with your own money. It’s great advice that can be difficult to heed, especially … Read More

Integrators are in the business of selling labor

“I Can’t Sell Labor for That!”

Like it or not, integrators are in the business of selling labor. There came a point in my 40+ year professional sales career when I stopped whining about how “I can’t sell labor for that” due to burdened internal costs. … Read More


6 Easy Ways to Increase Profit Margins on Jobs

Solutions360 and D-Tools share a common vision to help integrators increase profit margins It is no small task for AV system integrators to increase profit margins. It takes having a strong brand value, consistent measurement of performance and solid leadership. … Read More


Presenting the Estimate

A single precise number does not make a valid estimate   In Part 1 of this blog series, we looked at the myth of the perfect estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. In Part 2, … Read More


Estimating Methodologies for Integrators

What are the best estimating methodologies? In Part I of this series, we looked at the myth of the perfect project estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. Today, we continue this conversation and examine the … Read More


The Myth of the Perfect Project Estimate

Is it better for a project estimate to be precise or accurate? It’s my experience, over hundreds of AV integration projects and hundreds more in numerous industries, that most people believe a precise estimate is more accurate — and that … Read More

What Happens When the Project Estimate Doesn’t Match Reality?

There is widespread belief in the integration industry, that the most important measure for a project manager is to be ‘on time and on budget,’ and that a good project manager will make it so. But this assumes that the … Read More

Solutions360 Releases New Job Costing Survival Guide

Why Is Job Costing So Important in 2020? Over the last 20 years, Solutions360 has worked with hundreds of businesses to help apply technology that improves business process management and profitability. One of the most complicated issues that Solutions360 has … Read More

Buying vs Leasing, Which is Better?

The most important distinction between buying vs leasing is how the finance charges are paid. If you have ever bought a house or a car, or started a business, you likely have experience with loans. A question you or your … Read More