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managed services provider

Resource Management – Getting What You Need from Workers

Here’s a question all AV companies need to ask: How do we handle resource management inside our organizations?   Resource management is such an important issue, it invariably leads to other questions: How do we manage the utilization of our … Read More


What Is Backlog Burn Rate?

ClearTalk is a podcast where Solutions360 chats with industry thought leaders about best practices, strategy, and insights within the Integration industry. On this week’s episode, our CEO, Brad Dempsey welcomes Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, to the podcast to … Read More

CFO Perspectives on Liquidity and Cash Flow for MSPs

CFOs Say Cash is King!  At NSCA’s 2020 Pivot to Profit Virtual (P2Pv), Solutions360 CEO, along with three leading integration firm CFOs, offered their perspectives on understanding liquidity and cash flow for MSPs. 2020 P2Pv Session Presenters: Brad Dempsey, CEO … Read More

Best Practices for Building Recurring Revenue

In order to build recurring revenue, integrators are making the shift from a reactive to a proactive support model. There has been a lot of discussion in the integrator community about best practices for developing services and support revenue, and … Read More

Buying vs Leasing, Which is Better?

The most important distinction between buying vs leasing is how the finance charges are paid. If you have ever bought a house or a car, or started a business, you likely have experience with loans. A question you or your … Read More

What A Comprehensive Scope of Work Document Looks Like

Here is an outline of the major components of a comprehensive scope of work document In our recent blog post, Make Your Scope of Work Statements Stand Out, we talk about how good scope of work statements help establish boundaries … Read More

5 Tips for Retaining Top Technicians

Solutions360 often talks with integrators about the challenges of finding and retaining top technicians. In 2019, CompTIA research reported the unemployment rate for IT talent at 1.3%, which supports what a time-consuming and expensive task it can be to find … Read More

Recurring Revenue by the Numbers

There are numerous reasons for integrators to adopt a recurring revenue model. A recent Commercial Integrator article, The Opportunities and Challenges of Selling Your Integration Business, discusses how private equity firms are making serious inroads into the AV integration market—but … Read More

Create Predictable Cash Flow with Monthly Recurring Revenue

How important is cash flow to your integration business? A blog post based upon The AV Profession podcast from AV Nation. Most integrators agree that having a backbone of solid cash flow is the lifeblood of an integration business. There … Read More

Q360 Helps Integrators Develop Best Practices for Access Control

What is the best way for integrators to track of all those customer passwords? One the of questions Solutions360 always hears from integrators is how to store all their access information. Access control is a problem across the integration industry.  … Read More