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Increase Project Profitability

profitable projects

Does It Pay to Be Picky About the Projects You Choose?

Would you like to have more profitable projects?   Integrators are beginning to understand the value of being selective about the projects they take on So, is there a benefit to being “choosier” about which projects your company takes on? … Read More

Integrators are in the business of selling labor

“I Can’t Sell Labor for That!”

Like it or not, integrators are in the business of selling labor. There came a point in my 40+ year professional sales career when I stopped whining about how “I can’t sell labor for that” due to burdened internal costs. … Read More

Closing the Loop with Client Surveys

Closing the Loop with Client Surveys

Client surveys can help integrators maintain customer relationships When we speak with integrators about client surveys, we often hear, “We don’t use them anymore because people don’t return them.” Or worse, “We get some back, but nobody reads them.” And … Read More

Who Should Pay for All Those Change Orders?

Who Should Pay for All Those Change Orders?

In Part 1 of this series, Project Change Orders – Manage Them or Just Make Them?, we discussed how project change orders are inevitable. We concluded that mature project management is about change control, and managing all those changes as … Read More


How to Keep a Project on Course

If all projects are different, what is the best way for integrators to keep a project on course? All integration projects are unique, and there’s no two alike, right? Yes, all projects contain uniqueness and uncertainty. But there is also … Read More


Measuring Customer Profitability

Are Your ‘Best’ Customers Your Most Profitable? On this episode of ClearTalk, our CEO, Brad Dempsey, is joined by Brad Malone and Joel Harris from Navigate Management Consulting to talk about customer profitability. Are your best customers sometimes your worst … Read More


Presenting the Estimate

A single precise number does not make a valid estimate   In Part 1 of this blog series, we looked at the myth of the perfect estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. In Part 2, … Read More


How Do You Spell WBS?

What is a work breakdown structure? In today’s video, Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management, is joined by Brad Malone, from Navigate Management Consulting to discuss the whole concept of a work breakdown structure, and how that impacts project management. … Read More


Estimating Methodologies for Integrators

What are the best estimating methodologies? In Part I of this series, we looked at the myth of the perfect project estimate and discussed how assumptions and risks factor into an estimate. Today, we continue this conversation and examine the … Read More


Women in Project Management

Is the Systems Integration industry ready to fully acknowledge the value of women in the project management role and support their growth?   By Brad Malone, Managing Partner at Navigate Management Consulting I hope so, because whether the job is … Read More